“Nach der Aufführung gab es für den Film, vor allem aber die Musiker stehende Ovationen eines wirklich begeisterten Publikums.” Anselm...

Please explore this website to find out more about the silent movie composer and interpreter Wilfried Kaets
This site will provide you with information about silent films, silent film accompaniment and screenings of silent movies with live accompaniment ranging from solo piano or theater organ, through ensembles (piano and percussion, organ and voice), up to and including large orchestra.
Mr. Kaets has had more than 20 years experience composing for and accompanying silent films throughout Europe and was professor for film music at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf for 10 years. He has worked intensively with many of the German and English film pianists and organists remaining from the times of silent films so that his screenings are distinguished by historically accurate performance practice.
Kaets hat als erster Komponist/Interpret seit Ende der Stummfilmzeit bereits in den 80er Jahren regelmäßig historische Filme im Kirchenraum mit Livemusik präsentiert und damit die Renaissance dieser Aufführungsform in Deutschland begründet.
The organizer and audience can expect:
- stringently composed conceptual music custom tailored to fit the film,
- presentation in original format on a large screen and at correct (reduced) projection speed,
- historically accurate performance practice,
- Originalfilme aus Archiven, Filmmuseen und Sammlungen
- flexible choice of original silent film music from historical compilations and/or newly composed music adapted to the venue provided,
- “real theater” feeling from the time of silent films (including projector “noise”)
